Thursday, December 4, 2008

Workshop Day #2

According to the itinerary, Friday will look much like Thursday. Michelle will lead the hospital devotion in the morning. I have been praying about saponification- Jean and Karen are teaching a soapmaking class, and there are so many factors that will affect the success of the soap- materials, measuring equipment, outdoor temperature and humidity- I am praying that they will find a method that allows the women to produce usable soap with available materials.

It is hard to imagine the devastation that Angola experienced during their civil war, or the obstacles to restoration that its people are now facing. Chicago Public Radio featured an excellent interview of an Angolan native who survived the violence (his wife and children did not) and is now working here in Chicago to establish a university in his hometown of Kuito, also in central Angola. The interview gave me a better understanding of the challenges facing the Angolan people. Listen here.

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